Garrett's Workshop
We design, manufacture, and sell memory products for legacy computer systems.
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Drivers and Documentation
RAM2GS II (GW4201D) 8 MB RAM for Apple IIgs
RAM2E II (GW4203B and GW4203C) 8 MB RAM for Apple IIe
RAM128 (GW4208A and GW4208B) 128 kB RAM for Apple II
GR8RAM (GW4205A) 8 MB RAM for Apple II
TimeDisk (GW4206A and GW4206B) 1 MB Battery-Backed RAM & Clock for Apple II
GW4402B and GW4402A ROM SIMM for Mac SE/30 and Mac II-series
GW4301A 2 MB geoRAM Clone for Commodore 64
ROM01 Upgrade for Apple IIgs
GW419X-series 30-pin RAM SIMMs
GW4404A and GW4405A 68-pin VRAM SIMMs for Macintosh
GW4406A 3 MB RAM for Macintosh Classic
[1] GMT memory test courtesy GGLabs and licensed under the GPL
[2] RAMWorks manual and utilities courtesy Applied Engineering
[3] Saturn 128 manual and utilities courtey Titan Technologies
[4] RAMFactor manual and software courtesy Applied Engineering
[5] NoSlotClock utility courtesy SMT Peripherals
[6] ROM courtesy Apple
[7] ROM SIMM Programmer software and original firmware courtesy dougg3
[8] ROM Fitment Clips modified from original by Joel "PotatoFi" Crane and licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
[9] GEOS courtesy Berkeley Softworks
[10] installation guide is hosted and maintained by